So Savannah hit a record low this morning- 18 degrees. EIGHTEEN! Tuesday the kids had a 2 hour delayed opening (for ice?). We are in coastal Georgia, it's just not right! My motivation is really at an all time low. I am content to sit on the couch with a blanket and children on my lap, a fire roaring (the same fireplace I giggled about when we moved down here almost 5 years ago I am now considering one of the few high points of this winter), the muscles atrophying. I KNOW it will warm up, I KNOW I will come to my senses and start running consistently again. But right now, with my eyes frosted over with, well FROST, I am having trouble seeing it. I have a 5k in 3 weeks. Lord help me...
Some snow we had a couple weeks ago. This winter never ends...
In other news, Matthew's room redo continues- the built-ins are all done, but I got an e-mail yesterday from Maine Cottage that his bed and dresser are delayed again - it has been close to 12 weeks. Good thing he's a laid back tween who doesn't seem to be bothered by the snail like pace of his birthday gift (his birthday was in November, ha ha!). The desk is GORGEOUS though, nicer than anything Mark or I have. As the guy who delivered the cabinetry said before the installer got there, "He better get all A's". He was joking. I am not.
1 comment:
What beautiful built-ins, Kristin! Well, let me tell you when MY b-day is! :) Stay warm!
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